Sunday, July 31, 2016

The moment when you're questioning everything

Here comes that time. Again.

When something did not go as you expected, you'll start questioning a lot of things.
With a lot, I mean, a lot. 

You will start questioning your capability as a human being, as a friend, as a partner, as a child of your parents. And the list will go on and on..

Are you good enough?
What is wrong with you
Maybe It won't get into this phase if you try harder
Maybe you should try to understand better
Maybe you're wrong thinking about it this way
And there will be more maybes and ifs

You might start pitty-ing yourself because it can't works the way it should be. Maybe it all happened because of you.

But the thing is. The wheel will keep turning. And if you think further, it's never going to be enough.
There will always be people who will hurt you, pissed you off, yell at you, make you feel unwanted, make you feel unloved. And you can't control that.

So for you who are in the middle of breakdown, here's a chant: you are enough.

We all know that you've tried. We know that you've given your best. And for that, no one should ever taken you for granted.

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