Saturday, August 9, 2014

Lesson learned

Fall in love with someone who can make you proud to be beside him.
A smart, gentle and heart-full man. Who can take all the weight in the world. He doesn't have to be good looking and rich. But fall in love with someone that keep doing things that anyone you know in the world wouldn't. Fall in love with that person because you are so proud of him eventhough you can't say it by words.
And be proud of yourself. Because you are there to support them in their toughest moment. And you are there to cherish the success they got, together. And.. you survived.

Fall in love with someone who can make you a better person.
It doesn't have to be, oh because I met him , now I can save 60% of my earnings! - well, that's a good one also.
But sometimes, it is as simple as, you keep touching your feet on the ground because of things you've experienced with them. You realize that you should do more good things to other people. They make you realize that you should release all the hatred you have inside for other people, even for the world.
You can now see the world from the other side. From other's people eyes. And that makes you more humble. As a human being and a part of the world.

Fall in love with someone who can make you feel good about yourself.
With telling you that you're so beautiful when you wake up in the morning. Or tells you that you're beautiful even when you wear no make up. Or tells you that you have a sexy hips to be looked at when you wear nothing. Tells you that you're an amazing partner because they feel so happy just being with you and by the thing you've done for them.
Fall in love with someone that can makes you realize that you're better than you think. Mentally and physically.

Fall in love with someone who can make you tougher.
When you start to realize that you don't have to fully relay to other people when it comes to your life, you know that you've found the right person. A relationship should not make people weaker because they know there's someone over there to take care of them when they're in their lowest point.
A relationship should make you feel that you are strong enough to not throw shits to other people. But in the other side you know that person will be there to catch you when you fall. And of course, make things better.

Fall in love with someone that can make you realize that we are all human.
And human being should be treated equally. Doesn't matter whether it's woman or men. We have the same rights and (sorry ladies), obligation. All says that woman should be treated like a queen. Don't take this personally, but those things will make a woman less independent. And it shouldn't be the case.
All says that man should be the tougher one. Because he need to take care of every people around him. They said it's human nature. Yes, it is. But we also need to understand that he's a human being too. He needs to be loved and (sometimes) spoiled.

I think that we all need to meet someone once in your lifetime that can teach you all the above. To make you a better person and partner. Even if they teach you in a very painful way.

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