Sunday, August 5, 2012

Another fun part in Digital Academy - Final One!

Yea, I know.
It's been 3 weeks since I got back to Jakarta. But I still haven't share everything about my Digital Academy.
So, I'm gonna share few fun things related to the day-to-day.

1. Friday Drinks Trolley
In order to make people interact with each other, MEC Singapore has this kind of 'program'. So every Friday, one group will run a trolley full of drinks (from Coke to Wine) around the office. Each person can pick one drink that they want to end up their Friday with. Plus.. a small bowl of chips :D
Basically it can be drinks and anything. There's one Friday that this one group serve a drink with waffle and ice cream. Yum yum! :9

2. Google Immersion
Have you watched Google Office video in Youtube? Been there as well :D
Google Singapore office is the regional office for Google SEA market. Fancy office, fully equipped with fun things and fun places (free snack & coffee corner!), and of course.. you can't complaint about technology that they have.
Err.. But from my side, this immersion is the one that's not give any new insight about Google itself (sorry). At least they provided us with free fantastic lunch buffet at that day. The lunch was so good, there no so so food - and I can't believe they served grilled lamb as one of the lunch menu!

3. Seafood Dinner Time
You know, I thought.. All expats in MEC Singapore are not foody. Especially because most of them are came from UK - usually they just eat bread not rice.
But I'm totally wrong. They just like Asian that lost in UK when it comes to food.
So there's one night that we all went out for drinks after office hour. And we continue the free time with having Seafood as our dinner. Chili crab, black pepper crab, frog kung pao (?), egg salted prawn, and yes because most of them can't really drink water, we had red wine as our main drink.
And.. That make me think in the other day, seafood should not come along with alcohol. Trust me.

4. Breakfast Day
And this one come every first Monday in every month. There will be breakfast serve in pantry that everyone can have. Again, this thing being held to make people interact with each other. Usually we will have waffle, bread, pao, coffee, tea and juice that we can grab as much as we want.
Having a little conversation while finishing our breakfast and get back to work after that. Fun!

Finally, these are two persons that help us - me and Ninoy, a lot while we're there.
Jenn and Matt

They are our mentor. Jenn is Ninoy's and Matt is mine.
Time really fly so fast. Right now, Jenn just gave birth for a baby boy and Matt will getting married this December with his fiance. I remember I still talked about the baby that's in her tummy with Jenn 3 weeks ago, and now.. Roman is here, to see the world :')

Digital Academy is one thing that I really grateful that I had it, be a part of it.
Meet new people, learn about different culture, different client, different structure.
You know that I'm a type of person that's pretty scared to try something new. I'm just afraid that things won't work as it should. But I finally can beat that feeling and wrap it up with a nice final presentation.

Thank you for all MEC Singapore people for being such a nice friend and mentor while we're there. Thank you Jenn and Matt for the help and knowledge. Thank you Ben Poole for having us as a participant on this academy.
And thank you Ajay, for choosing me to get involved in this awesome experience.


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